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  • How much does it cost to enroll in a course?
    The current semester's live course will always be available to course registrants free of cost for the duration of the course. Your donations allow us to make this possible. We thank you for your support. Recordings of past courses are available for a small fee on the Courses tab of our website. This fee may be waived upon request for those who cannot pay, please fill out a Scholarship Request Form if this is the case for you.
  • Where can I access course materials?
    Course materials are available to course participants within the Courses tab of our website. Navigate to the appropriate Program from the Courses tab of our website. To access the materials, be sure you are expanding the panels that contain course content. On the Desktop page, this will be on the left portion of the screen. On Mobile, this will be in a dropdown menu. You must scroll and select the appropriate panel. If you cannot access the materials despite navigating to the Program page, ensure that you are signed into the website with the same email address with which you registered for the course.
  • When are courses offered?
    A live course on Shastra will be offered every semester. There is one course in the Spring and one course in the Fall. This course is offered completely free of charge for the duration of the classes. Past courses are also available. You may view these offerings on our Courses page.
  • What are the teacher’s qualifications?
    Ācārya Sthaneshwar Timalsina is a paṇḍita and practitioner traditionally trained in Tantric traditions in Nepal and Varanasi. He has over 30 years of teaching experience in the East and in the West, and currently serves as Endowed Chair of Indic Studies at Stony Brook University in New York, U.S.A.
  • How do I register for the current course?
    To register, navigate to the current course program on the Courses page. Then, press the “Join” button to complete your registration. You will be able to open and access this course on our website. Note that registration for future courses will open at the start of the fall and spring semesters. The link to register will be on our Courses page. Registration closes two weeks after the start date of each course. To make sure you don't miss out on the announcement of the future course, Subscribe to our mailing list and Bookmark our website.
  • Are there any prerequisites for these courses?
    Generally, there are no prerequisites for our courses. Attendance is open to anyone, of any background, who is desirous of learning. Although they are not required, original Sanskrit texts, translations, and other study materials are available on the Program page for the Course, under the appropriate Course Materials panel.
  • How can I confirm that I have successfully registered for the course?
    Once you have pressed the "Join" button for a course on our Courses webpage, you have successfully completed your registration. You can confirm this by visiting the course page and opening the course--as long as you are signed in with the proper email address, you will be able to view and access all course materials. You will also receive an email from Wix (our website host) that confirms your registration. Make sure to check your Spam and Promotions folders. When you locate this email, star/bookmark it so you can save it for your records.
  • Can I join the course after the registration deadline has passed?
    If you did not meet the registration deadline, you may still join the course via Facebook livestream in ourVimarsha Foundation Private Group on Facebook. However, you will not be able to attend the class on Zoom and you will not be able to access session recordings for the duration of the course.
  • How do I attend this semester's course?
    Each semester, we offer a live course that takes place via Zoom. The course and deadline for registration for each semester's course is announced on our website, through our email list and social media channels. Those who meet the registration deadline for the live course will be able to access the Zoom link and passcode through the Program page for the Course on our Vimarsha website. This information is also provided in a confirmation email that is automatically sent to you after you "join" the Course. You will also receive biweekly reminder emails for each upcoming class which will contain the Zoom information. All you need to access the course is this link and passcode, and an electronic device (smartphone, tablet, computer, etc.) with the Zoom application installed. If you did not meet the registration deadline, or if you are unable to access Zoom for some reason, the live course will also livestream in our Vimarsha Foundation Private Group on Facebook:
  • How do I access session recordings?
    Session recordings for the live course are available only through our Vimarsha website for those who registered for the course prior to the registration deadline. If you did meet the registration deadline but it seems you are unable to access the course, be sure that you are using the email address with which you originally joined the course. Once you are properly signed in, you will be able to access the Program page under the Courses tab. After you have navigated to the Program page, be sure you are expanding the appropriate panel of the screen and selecting the correct date / section. On Desktop mode, this will be on the left portion of the screen. On Mobile, this will be in a dropdown menu. You must scroll and select to open/expand the appropriate panel. Note: Recordings will only be uploaded after the class session has been taught live, so future week's classes will not be available ahead of time. Allow our volunteer team 24 hours after each class to upload the lecture and Q&A sessions.
  • Where is the Zoom information for attending the classes?
    After completing your registration for the course by pressing the "Join" button on the Program page, you will be able to access all course materials and details. The Zoom meeting link, number, and passcode are among the information that is now immediately available to you on the Program page. You will also receive biweekly reminder messages for each class, which will contain the Zoom information, to your email. If you do not see any emails from us in your inbox, check your Spam and Promotions folders. Also, make sure you are subscribed to our mailing list and that you provided the correct email address to us.
  • Will the course stream on Facebook?
    The live course will stream on Facebook in our Vimarsha Foundation Private Group. You may join the LiveStream if you either did not meet the registration deadline or if you are unable to access Zoom. If you have not already joined the group, you may do so at this link:
  • How do I view past courses?
    The lectures and Q&A sessions for our past courses are available for purchase at a small fee.Visit our courses page to learn Yoga Vāsiṣṭha, Tripurā Rahasya, Mālinīvijayottara Tantra, Foundational Śaivism, Devī Māhātmya, and Virūpāksapañcasikā. The current semester's live course will also become available in this manner one week after the course concludes.
  • How do I access the mobile app?
    You may join the mobile app through this link:
  • How can I support the Vimarsha Foundation?
    You may support the Vimarsha Foundation through active participation and engagement in our courses and discussion group, sharing our course announcements with your friends and family, volunteering skilled services in support of our initiatives, making financial donations, and above all by continuing to study and preserve the Śāstric traditions in your own life. To make a donation, please visit this link:
  • How do I donate to support Vimarsha?
    Thank you for your interest in contributing to support Vimarsha Foundation. Visit our Donation page for information on the different ways to support us:
  • Who pays for the Vimarsha Foundation?
    Vimarsha Foundation is an independent non-profit organization. We possess no political affiliations or agenda and are currently supported by donations and the efforts of a small team of volunteers. Your donations allow us to conduct free courses and pursue other Vimarsha projects.
  • Can I support Vimarsha through my company's corporate matching gift program?
    Yes, you can! Thank you for your interest, corporate matching is an excellent way to support Vimarsha and maximize your impact. Please fill out a Contact form and a member of our team will reach out.
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