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Devotional Prayers

Recitations of devotional prayers and chants
by Acharya Dr. Sthaneshwar Timalsina.

Tripurā Morning Prayer, An Original Composition -- recited by Acharya Sthaneshwar (with lyrics)

Tripurā Morning Prayer, An Original Composition -- recited by Acharya Sthaneshwar (with lyrics)

Tripurā Morning Prayer (Tripurā Prātaḥ Smaraṇam) is a beautiful devotional hymn composed by Acharya Sthaneshwar Timalsina. Acharya Dr. Sthaneshwar Timalsina is an esteemed traditional consecrated teacher of Shaiva-Shakta Hindu Tantra. He is also the Endowed Chair of Indic Studies at Stony Brook University, New York in the Department of Asian & Asian American Studies. Acharya Sthaneshwar is the founder of Vimarsha Foundation, a non-profit organization through which he teaches shastra and sādhanā to students of all backgrounds. Learn more about Vimarsha on our website, and join us for free courses that occur every semester. Follow us on Social Media and sign up on our website so you don't miss our announcements: Below the translation and text of the prayer, in Devanāgarī and Roman script are provided- Translation: I visualize in the morning the pleasant Tripurā with the aurora rays whose lotus feet are shining with the crowns of the collection of gods such as Brahma, who is situated at the center of the expansively burning fire-pit at the center of the moon and the sun [whose true nature is] of the character of pure consciousness and beyond conceptualization. I bow to Tripurā in the morning, the Anākhya or inexpressible, whose bosom is made of the density of the solar rays and who has the heart that is constantly surging with the essence of love and who does grace to those who love her as she has the body made of compassion only. In the morning, I meditate upon the singular and most astounding Tripurā whose hairlock is composed with the shine of the crescent moon, whose face is as beautiful as the full moon and whose eyes are lovely. Full text of the prayer (Devanāgarī script): प्रातः स्मराम्यरुणकान्तियुतां प्रसन्नाम्। ब्रह्मादिवृन्दमुकुटोज्ज्वलपादपद्माम्॥ सोमार्कमध्यविकसज्ज्वलदग्निकुण्ड​- मध्यस्थितां चितिमयीं त्रिपुरामलक्षाम्॥1॥ आदित्यरश्मिसघनीकृतवक्षदेशाम्। प्रेमैकसारसततोदितहृत्स्वरूपाम्॥ भक्तानुकम्पनमयीं करुणैककायाम्। प्रातर्नमामि त्रिपुरां परमामनाख्याम्॥2॥ प्रातर्भजामि त्रिपुरां कमनीयरूपाम्। अर्धेन्दुकान्तिपरिकल्पितकेशपाशाम्॥ पूर्णेन्दुसुन्दरमुखीं रमणीयनेत्राम्। कामेश्वरप्रणयविह्वल चारुचित्ताम्॥3॥ Full text of the prayer (Roman script): prātaḥ smarāmyaruṇakāntiyutāṃ prasannām। brahmādivṛndamukuṭojjvalapādapadmām॥ somārkamadhyavikasajjvaladagnikuṇḍa - madhyasthitāṃ citimayīṃ tripurāmalakṣām॥॥1॥ ādityaraśmisaghanīkṛtavakṣadeśām। premaikasārasatatoditahṛtsvarūpām॥ bhaktānukampanamayīṃ karuṇaikakāyām। prātarnamāmi tripurāṃ paramāmanākhyām॥2॥ prātarbhajāmi tripurāṃ kamanīyarūpām। ardhendukāntiparikalpitakeśapāśām॥ pūrṇendusundaramukhīṃ ramaṇīyanetrām। kāmeśvarapraṇayavihvala cārucittām॥3॥ #sanskrit #shaktism #lalitha #stotram
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